Monday, March 24, 2014

Project #15

The United States of America

This ( The 50 States  ) is a month long Project Based Learning Plan all centered around the United States of America. We will discuss each state and their capital, populations, the location, fun facts and major manufactured product. The Students will use different technology to further their education about each state. The students will be divided into five groups with four students in each group. They will be required to make a webpage, about the 50 states with their group. They will also individually blog everyday about the material taught. They will get the opportunity to present their blog to the class. Students will also make a posters of the United States and present it to the class and embed it into their blog. Students will also make a video presentation about what they have learned. They will be required to take three quizzes and one test. They will also be required to write and type a paper about what they learned and they will get the chance to have peers edit it.

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