Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog Post #10

Sir Ken Robinson 

Sir Ken Robinson is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources in development and in education. He is a worlds leading speaker on these topics. In his video,  Bring on the learning revolution!, he says there is a climate crisis. But he is not referring to natural resources. He is referring to a second climate crisis, humans resources. He says, this is a crisis that needs to be dealt with in the same way. Some people go through life just doing what they do day-to-day, instead of enjoying life and living it. This dislocates people from their natural talents. One reason people do this is education. Education is being reformed everywhere right now. He says, reforming is not enough, we are just trying to fix a broken model. Robinson says, "we do not need evolution but a revolution in education. It has to be transformed into something else." We as humans take things for granted. One great example that he used was, he asked everyone in the audience who was over the age of 25, everyone in the audience was. Then he asked, who was wearing a watch on their wrist, about 75% of the audience was. Robinson said, we wear wrist watches because we grew up in the generation without digital technology. Teenagers do not wear watches because they have divides that for that. I really enjoyed watching his lecture. It opened my eyes to see that people have to enjoy living their life and not just go day-to-day.
"if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." -Sir ken Robinson


  1. Kelly,
    The comment on your picture is my favorite quote! Sir Ken Robinson seemed like a very interesting and entertaining speaker. I learned a ton by watching his inspirational videos!

  2. Kelly, I am commenting on your post this week because my choice was no longer in the class. I agree with you that we humans take a lot for granted, but I’m much happier knowing that I personally don’t take things for granted anymore. It is a short life we live, and innovators like Sir Ken Robinson are really great at pointing that out. His allusion to natural resources meant more to me like the intellectual capacity of our minds are in crisis if educational institutions keep teaching in archaic ways that maybe Plato would appreciate, but not if he had all the technology we at his disposal like we do. The broken model he talks about are turned out by some of the finest educational institutions in the nation and I think it is their institutionalized minds that won’t allow them to fully appreciate all the 21st Century tech tools we have available for use in today’s classrooms. Education can be fun, engaging and educational through the PBL model, so I am glad to see that your eyes are open to seeing how new strategies in the classroom can bring out the passions in our lives. Thanks for sharing what you learned from Sir Robinson’s lecture.
